"Maybe we really are on our own.'
Yes we are. All grown up and having a big old slice of real life in the real world all on our very own! No Big Brother heaping big old chips of guilt and shame and fear on our shoulders, no Skydaddy keeping score of our collective and individual failures...
it only feels scary because it's a brand new taste sensation, brother. You've been spoonfed spiritual glop for so long you don't yet recognize the taste of true nourishment.
Don't panic. You can develop a nice rounded palate and appreciate life's subtler nuances, but you will get a spiritual tummyache if you try to digest all the facts too fast. Paradigm shifts swallowed without sufficient careful mastication can reflux on you bigtime!
Take a deep breath, and remember...YOU ARE NOT ALONE. God isn't going to kill you for using your brain and your heart...not today anyway .